Illustration, rig on open sea

U.S. weekly offshore rig count up a notch

Exploration & Production

The number of active offshore rigs in the U.S. is up by one unit over the last week, according to a weekly rig count report by Baker Hughes.

Illustration, rig on open sea

Baker Hughes Rig Count: U.S. -17 to 284 rigs

U.S. Rig Count is down 17 rigs from last week to 284 with oil rigs down 16 to 206, gas rigs down 1 to 76, and miscellaneous rigs unchanged at 2.

U.S. Rig Count is down 691 rigs from last year’s count of 975, with oil rigs down 583, gas rigs down 110, and miscellaneous rigs up 2 to 2.

The U.S. Offshore Rig Count is up 1 to 13 and down 10 year-over-year.

Baker Hughes Rig Count: Canada +1 to 21 rigs

The number of active rigs in Canada is up 1 from last week to 21, with oil rigs unchanged at 7 and gas rigs up 1 to 14.

But the number of active rigs in Canada is down 82 rigs from last year’s 103, with oil rigs down 52 and gas rigs down 30.

It is worth mentioning that this is the first report with an uptick in the number of active units since the one on 6 March.

Image by: SP Mac – under permission from photographer