Tideway Taps VBMS for Hornsea Project One Cables Installation

Operations & Maintenance

VBMS has been awarded a contract to assist Tideway with the installation of three nearshore and shallow water sections of export cables for DONG Energy’s Hornsea Project One offshore wind farm.

The scope of work for VBMS consists of the shore landing, installation and burial of three 33-kilometer long sections of export cable which are part of total cable lengths of approximately 134 km, 140 km and 152 km to be installed by Tideway.

The project will be executed in Q1 and Q2 of 2018, the company noted.

Arno van Poppel, managing director VBMS, said “We are very pleased to have been contracted by Tideway for these specialist nearshore installation activities and are confident to deliver this prestigious project to DONG Energy together with Tideway in a safe and efficient manner.”

DONG Energy’s Hornsea Project One will generate a total capacity of 1.2 GW and is located approximately 120 kilometers off the Yorkshire coast (UK).