Venice LNG gets authorised for LNG storage terminal

Venice LNG gets authorised for LNG storage terminal


Venice LNG, a subsidiary of the Decal Spa Group operating in Porto Marghera (Venice, Italy), received approval from the Italian government to construct and operate a new 32,000 cubic meteres LNG terminal.

Courtesy of Venice LNG
Venice LNG gets authorised for LNG storage terminal
Courtesy of Venice LNG

Italian Ministry of Economic Development in agreement with the Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport has issued an official authorisation decree for the construction and operation of the first LNG storage in Porto Marghera. The facility will be built on a brownfield site on the South Industrial Canal.

The decree was issued in late December 2020 and has been notified on 15 January 2021.

Among the requirements for Venice LNG from the authorities are the use of non-polluting materials, the mitigation of dust and noise emissions during the construction phase, an Environmental Monitoring Plan, the implementation of procedures to limit waste production.

LNG will be delivered to the terminal by small and medium-sized LNG carriers and will be distributed via tank trucks, ISO-tanks and barges.

Decal Spa Group will invest more than €100 million in the facility. The project is promoted and supported by the North Adriatic Sea Port Authority and co-financed by the European Commission under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) initiative for a total of €18.5 million.