VLCV spotlights turnkey drilling solutions for offshore wind industry


In a short interview with Arvid de Groot, Manager at Dutch-based VLCV, we hear about turnkey drilling solutions the company is offering to the offshore energy industry – specifically to offshore wind sector.

Arvid de Groot (Screenshot/Video by Navingo)
Arvid de Groot (Screenshot/Video by Navingo)
Arvid de Groot (Screenshot/Video by Navingo)

VL Specials, part of Van Leeuwen Trenchless Technology, formed a joint venture with C-Ventus Offshore Windfarm Services, part of DISA International, named VLCV as a specialist company which supplies turnkey projects requiring a combination of marine subsea activities and trenchless technologies.

Arvid de Groot spoke about the scope of work VLCV does for the offshore energy sector, mainly related to offshore wind farms construction.

 “During the event, we’d like to acquaint others that VLVC does not only do the land based drillings, but that we can complete the full scope of offshore drillings. So, for the wind industry it would be very good to come and talk to us. We have all drilling technologies in-house, and also patented systems, so we can provide a complete solution for each client”, de Groot said.

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