Wellesley all set for North Sea wildcat

Exploration & Production

The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) has granted Wellesley Petroleum a drilling permit for a wildcat well in the North Sea off Norway.

Transocean Arctic; Source: Wiki Commons; Author: Marcus Bengtsson - under the public domain.

The well 35/11-21 S will be drilled from the Transocean Arctic semi-submersible drilling rig. Wellesley has already received consent from the Norwegian authorities to use the rig for this well.

The drilling program for well 35/11-21 S relates to the drilling of a wildcat well in production license 248 I.

Wellesley Petroleum is the operator with an ownership interest of 60 per cent, and licensee Petoro has an ownership interest of 40 per cent. The area in this production license consists of a part of block 35/11. The well will be drilled 1.5 km southwest of the discovery well, 35/12-2 (Grosbeak).

Production license 248 I was awarded on December 18, 2017 in NST99 on the Norwegian shelf. The well 35/11-21 S is the first well to be drilled in the license.