WPTO sets up marine energy materials catch-up

Authorities & Government

The Water Power Technologies Office (WPTO) of the US Department of Energy has organized a webinar that will provide an update on the research in composite materials for marine renewable energy devices.

Illustration (Photo: Pixabay/Creative Commons CC0)

The webinar will provide the results on the research undertaken on composite material coupons that were sent in by participants to be examined for biofouling, fatigue, and corrosion under artificial and actual saltwater conditions.

Future directions in terms of jointed coupons and substructures examinations will also be up for the discussion during the webinar that will be held on July 12, 2018, WPTO said.

The US Department of Energy’s Marine Hydrokinetic Advanced Materials program aims to support the marine and hydrokinetics industry through applied research and guidance on materials and coatings to enable viability, lower the cost of energy (LCOE), and accelerate commercialization of the technology.

WPTO is working to advance the development and deployment of innovative technologies for clean power generation from resources such as hydropower, waves, and tides.