1st Calcasieu Pass LNG cargo to go to JERA

1st Calcasieu Pass LNG cargo to go to JERA

Business Developments & Projects

The first LNG export cargo from Venture Global LNG’s Calcasieu Pass export terminal in Louisiana will go to Japanese utility company JERA, Platts reports.

Illustration only; Courtesy of Venture Global LNG
1st Calcasieu Pass LNG cargo to go to JERA
Illustration only; Courtesy of Venture Global LNG

Calcasieu Pass LNG facility is located in Cameron Parish, Louisiana. Once in full operation, it will export 10 million tonnes of liquified natural gas a year. It is based on mid-scale liquefaction technology.

Initially, the project’s developer Venture Global planned to start its operations at the beginning of 2023. However, the facility has already begun LNG production on 3 February 2022. Earlier this week, Platts reported that the LNG carrier Yiannis docked at the terminal. It also stated that the ship will depart on 11 February.

Multiple market sources have now informed Platts that Japanese energy giant JERA is the one taking over the first export cargo. They also informed that the 170,000 cubic meters tanker is controlled by JERA.

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U.S. regulators approved Venture Global’s requests for operations. In addition, there was a request to load the tanker that was pending.

Where the cargo is headed after departing the LNG facility is yet unknown.

At the end of last year, Venture Global announced that CP2 LNG, the new project, will be in Cameron Parish, adjacent to Calcasieu Pass. This brings the companies to total planned capital investment in Louisiana to more than $20 billion.

CP2 will be the fourth LNG export facility in the state. It will build, own and operate an LNG terminal with a liquefaction capacity of 20 mpta of LNG. 

In December, the company signed a sales and purchase agreement with China’s CNOOC. Under this, China will buy 1.5 million tonnes of LNG from the Calcasieu Pass facility.

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