1st ME-GA engine wraps up gas trials

Green Marine

The first ME-GA engine has completed gas trials aboard an LNG carrier built by Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries (HSHI) for Norwegian shipping company, Knutsen OAS Shipping, MAN Energy Solutions announced.

Image credit MAN ES

The new engine is an Otto-cycle variant of the company’s ME-GI engine, designed for LNG/fuel-oil running. The engine is inherently Tier II and Tier III compliant in gas-operation mode.

“This successful gas trial is a very important milestone in the development of the ME-GA engine. We developed this engine for easy application to most contemporary LNG carrier designs and, indeed, all ME-GA orders to date have been exclusively for this segment,” Bjarne Foldager, Head of Two-Stroke Business, MAN Energy Solutions, said.

Built by HHI-EMD, the Knutsen ME-GA engine comes equipped with Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) that reduces methane-slip emissions compared to first-generation, Otto-cycle engines without EGR.

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“We have had more than 260 orders for the ME-GA since its launch in May 2021 and our orderbook contains ME-GA engine orders for ship deliveries stretching all the way into 2027. EGR as standard enables the ME-GA to significantly reduce emissions, while simultaneously improving fuel efficiency and operation in both gas and fuel-oil operation,” Thomas S. Hansen, Head of Promotion and Customer Support, MAN Energy Solutions, said.

Brian Østergaard Sørensen, Vice President and Head of R&D, Two-Stroke Business at MAN Energy Solutions, said: “It’s been very pleasing to follow the steady progress of the ME-GA engine ever since we began its development back in 2018. Following its Factory Acceptance Test, Type Approval Test and first shipyard delivery, this completion of sea- and gas-trials marks another significant step in its timeline as it approaches its commercial debut.”

The MAN B&W ME-GA engine has been developed as a cost-effective solution specifically designed for LNG carriers that can utilize “boil-off” gas as a fuel source.

Built upon the MAN B&W dual-fuel design, the ME-GA engine has an ignition concept and a unique gas-admission system engineered to ensure safe and dependable operation, contributing to the engine’s overall reliability.

The engine incorporates simple supply and purging concepts, reducing complexities and potential complications during operations. Additionally, the fuel-gas supply system requires low maintenance, further contributing to cost savings for vessel owners and operators.

The introduction of the ME-GA engine complements the existing ME-GI Diesel-cycle engine in MAN Energy Solutions’ portfolio of two-stroke engines.