Germany: DC Netz BorWin4 Seeks Contractor to Connect Wind Farm to BorWin Beta


Germany: DC Netz BorWin4 Seeks Contractor to Connect Wind Farm to BorWin Beta

DC Netz BorWin4 GmbH announces the need for supply of subsea cable services for the offshore wind project in Germany.

The project comprises of manufacturing, supply and laying of an AC cable system for connecting offshore wind farms, as well as production, delivery and installation of compensation coils for connection of offshore wind farms between OWP German Bight and BorWin beta, for a transmission rate of up to 160 MW and a voltage level of about 155 kV, and connection to the electrical device of the platform.

The work will start on March 01, 2013, and it is expected to last until October 31, 2014.

October 22, 2012, is being determined by the DC Netz BorWin4 GmbH as the deadline for submission of tenders.


Offshore WIND staff, October 19, 2012; Image: tennet