AD Ports and Saab UAE join hands on port efficiency and safety

Business Developments & Projects

UAE-based port operator AD Ports Group and defence and security company Saab UAE have signed a memorandum of Understanding (MoU)  to establish a strategic cooperative relationship, which will see the partners collaborate on the development of maritime surveillance solutions and sensors.

AD Ports

Under the agreement, AD Ports Group will provide access to relevant testing sites, offering necessary infrastructure and operational feedback to optimize the development process. Meanwhile, Saab UAE will bring new industry standards and next-generation maritime surveillance technology to market. 

“Collaborating with Saab will allow us to explore innovative surveillance solutions and contribute to the overall safety of our ports. We also see significant potential for improving port and maritime security systems, effectively enhancing the safety and security performance of trade, logistics, and ports in Abu Dhabi and beyond,” Othman Al Khouri, Executive Director Corporate Authority, AD Ports Group, said.

“This partnership has the potential to revolutionise vessel traffic management and port operations, setting new industry standards for efficiency and safety. Our decades-long operations here in the UAE are growing from strength to strength. Today, to underpin growth in the country’s defence and security ecosystem, we are proud to have expanded our UAE mandate to include a R&D and manufacturing facility based in Abu Dhabi,” Anna-Karin Rosén, Managing Director of Saab in the UAE, added.

Saab is an early investor in the UAE having started its operations in the 1980s.

AD Ports has recently signed a General Corporate Facility agreement with a syndicate of 13 regional and international banks worth approximately $2 billion. This announcement reinforces the ambitious strategic development plans of the group.

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