AGR’s consultancy specialists to support OMV

Project & Tenders

Norwegian energy services company AGR has been awarded a contract to deliver consultancy specialists to oil and gas company OMV in Norway.


AGR said last week that the contract is for five years with the option of four further years.

Thomas V. Saue of AGR Consultancy Norway, said, “We are very pleased to further grow our relationship with OMV and support the operator in their operations in Norway. OMV has a very exciting portfolio of activity going forward”.

This is one of many long-term frame agreements awarded to AGR’s Stavanger-based Consultancy team within the past 12 months.

The company noted that AGR Consultancy Norway is currently possessing frame agreements with a majority of the license holders on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS).

In related news, AGR has been working on a decommissioning project for PSE Kinsale Energy and its gas fields in the Celtic Sea since late last year.

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The project is now in full swing as the well abandonment was slated to begin between 22 – 24 March 2021 while the rig is expected to arrive at the field in early April.