BassGas: Yolla-6 well starts production. Yolla-5 due in August

Project & Tenders

AWE Limited, a 35% joint venture partner in the BassGas project, has informed that the Yolla-6 development well, in the Bass Strait offshore Australia, has been tied-in to export facilities on the Yolla platform and production from that well has started.

According to AWE, the Operator, Origin Energy Resources Limited with 42.5% stake, is monitoring well performance to achieve optimal co-mingling with production from the existing Yolla-4 well.

The early unstablised production rate from the BassGas facilities has now increased to approximately 57 TJ/day following the addition of the Yolla-6 well.

AWE Managing Director, Bruce Clement, said that the development drilling phase of the BassGas Mid Life Enhancement project was nearing completion.

“With Yolla-6 now on production, and well performance in-line with data acquired while drilling the well, we are looking forward to additional production from the Yolla-5 well, due to come online in early August,” he said.

The BassGas project consists of the Yolla offshore well head platform connected by pipeline to the gas processing facility at Lang Lang, Victoria. The Yolla platform is located in Bass Strait, approximately 140km offshore from Kilcunda, Victoria.

Other partners in the project are: Toyota Tsusho Gas E&P Trefoil Limited with 11.25% interest and Prize Petroleum International Pte. Ltd with 11.25%.

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