CARIS Completes Training Courses with NOAA

CARIS trainers recently completed a round of pre-season training courses with NOAA’s Office of Coast Survey in preparation for new challenges and survey objectives in the coming field season.

Advanced training courses were led by Karen Hart, Burns Foster and Tami Beduhn at the Pacific and Atlantic Hydrographic Branches in Seattle, WA and Norfolk, VA. Josh Mode and Tami conducted introductory training to a group of NOAA’s hydrographers at the U.S. Coast Guard Training center in Yorktown, VA.

The purpose of the training was to update NOAA Hydrographers with the HIPS and SIPS 9.0 and BASE Editor 4.1. The training included reviews of sidescan and multibeam processing workflows, personalized object catalogues, advances in feature mapping and management in CARIS products, as well as an introduction to cartographic toolsets, CARIS explained.

Karen and Burns also conducted a two day workshop on Bathy DataBASE (BDB) Server in Seattle to help facilitate the setup of a new test server.

The introduction to HIPS and SIPS and BASE Editor training concluded NOAA’s four week Basic Hydrographic Training Course in Yorktown.