Chamber and Enterprise Seattle Leaders Visit Vigor, USA

Chamber, EnterpriseSeattle Leaders Visit Vigor (USA)

Chamber President and CEO Maud Daudon, enterprise Seattle President Jeff Marcell and Chamber SVP Charles Knutson recently met with senior executives at the Vigor Industrial on Harbor Island.

John Lockwood and Fred Kiga of Vigor described many exciting opportunities in the maritime sector, and they provided a tour of some of Vigor’s latest projects. Vigor builds and repairs ships, and currently they are constructing the first of two 144-car ferries for Washington state. Construction began in early 2012 and delivery is expected by 2014.

At 362 ½ feet long, these boats are second only to the jumbo ferries in size. They will carry up to 1,500 passengers and the project employs approximately 150 workers.

Vigor Industrial has facilities and suppliers throughout the Puget Sound and in Alaska and Oregon with a total or 10 drydocks, more than 17,000 feet of dedicated pier space and about 2000 skilled workers. Vigor is currently bidding on the Offshore Patrol Cutter project, one of the largest Coast Guard shipbuilding contracts that could provide many great jobs and significant revenue to the region. Discussions are currently underway for a potential maritime coalition that can help promote and grow the region’s maritime sector.


December 17, 2012