CIS to Provide Conductor Installation Services for Weatherford Colombia

Business & Finance

USA: Acteon's CIS Wins Installation Services Contract for Weatherford Colombia

Conductor Installation Services Ltd (CIS), an Acteon company, has been awarded a contract to provide a range of conductor installation services to Weatherford Colombia, on behalf of Equion Energia Ltd.

The contract is a breakthrough for CIS, as it will be one of just a handful of projects to take place on the shelf of the Caribbean coast of Colombia during the last 30 years. It is also the first major exploration campaign to be undertaken in shallow and deep water in the Colombian Caribbean since the Caribbean bidding round conducted by the National Hydrocarbons Agency (NHA) in 2007.

While CIS has a long established relationship with Weatherford, this is the first time the company has worked for Equion in Bogotá, Colombia.

The work will be carried out on Equion’s shallow water Mapale-1 and -2 wells in the RC5 block off the coast of Cartagena, Colombia. CIS will be installing two 30-inch driven conductors for Weatherford, the first in late spring, and the second in mid-summer. In addition to installing the conductors, the firm will provide conductor make-up and cold-cutting services, and a variety of installation tooling equipment, including hammers, conductor handling tools, and cold cutting equipment. CIS will be using hydraulic hammers which are much safer and more environmentally friendly than those used by their predecessors that are diesel-driven. Support will be provided by CIS from its base in Lafayette, Louisiana.

Breaking New Ground with an Established Partner

CIS won the contract because of its remarkable record for providing conductor-driving services to projects around the world. “We have a close relationship with Weatherford globally,” explains Brad Pellegrin, Vice President of Operations for CIS. “As a result, when they needed help with this new project, it was quite natural that they turned to us.” In addition, CIS has extensive experience with XL Systems, the provider of the threaded conductor for the project.

While CIS has previously worked in the Trinidad region of the Caribbean, this is a new geographic region for the company. “We are delighted to be playing a vital part in the opening up of this new area,” said Pellegrin. “It is a testimony to the ability of CIS to provide safe and reliable conductor installation services. We have high hopes that this will be the first of many opportunities to work in the region.”

The range of services provided by CIS supports the Acteon Group’s commitment to linking subsea services across a range of interconnected disciplines. CIS is a member of Acteon’s Conductors, Risers and Flowlines group.

Subsea World News Staff, May 31, 2012; Image: Equion Energia