Construction of LNG Canada pipeline, Coastal GasLink, in full swing

Business Developments & Projects

Coastal GasLink, the 670-kilometre pipeline that will transport natural gas to the approved LNG Canada facility near Kitimat, is nearly 92% complete, according to the latest construction update.

Courtesy of Coastal GasLink

Summer construction season is in full swing and the project is moving closer to mechanical completion by the end of 2023 with 91.4% overall progress achieved, including all engineering, procurement and construction activities.

Coastal GasLink has informed that more than 630 kilometres of pipe are installed while crews are completing distinct work fronts such as water crossings and steep slopes.

To date, more than 92% of all classified water crossings are complete, and steep slope areas such as Cable Crane Hill and the Raised Bore, continue to make significant strides forward. Meanwhile, hydro testing is either complete or underway in every section.

TC Energy, North America’s energy infrastructure company leading the project, estimates that the construction costs of this pipeline will reach approximately $14.5 billion and support displacing 60 to 90 million tonnes of CO2 emissions annually.


When it comes to the Shell-led LNG Canada project, it is worth noting that hydro testing of the tank was recently completed.

Deemed Canada’s first LNG export facility, the project also marked the completion of a critical phase in the construction of a large terminal for the liquefaction, storage and loading of LNG with the arrival of the last module by ship from its fabrication yard in Zhuhai, China.

LNG Canada is a joint venture between Shell, Petronas, PetroChina, Mitsubishi Corporation and Korea Gas Corporation.


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