Donggi-Senoro LNG Start Postponed, Indonesia

Donggi-Senoro LNG Start Postponed, Indonesia

First LNG from the $2.8 billion Donggi-Senoro project in Indonesia is now expected in March 2015, several months later than previously forecasted, a spokesman for Mitsubishi Corp said on Friday.

The spokesman told Reuters the current target for production is the end of March 2015.

The Donggi-Senoro LNG project, established as a joint venture between Mitsubishi Corporation, Pertamina, KOGAS and Medco, calls for the construction of a single train LNG processing plant and associated support facilities. The single train will have a capacity of approximately 2 million tons of LNG per year.

The plant will be located about 25 kilometers south-east of Luwuk, Central Sulawesi, in Indonesia and feed gas to the plant will be supplied by the gas fields of Senoro-Toili and Matindok in the region.

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LNG World News Staff, November 15, 2013; Image: DSLNG