Energinet.dk Calls for Bids for Subsea Cable Route Survey

Business & Finance

The Danish grid operator, Energinet.dk, has invited contractors to apply for a survey job related to Kriegers Flak’s subsea cable route.

As part of the Kriegers Flak (KF) Combined Grid Solution (CGS) Energinet.dk and Germany’s 50Hertz Transmission are preparing the installation of two parallel HVDC cables from the KFBE substation at the planned Kriegers Flak Wind Farm (DK) to the Baltic 2 substation at the Baltic 2 Wind Farm (DE).

The contractors of the KF CGS cable route survey will be required to carry out geophysical seabed survey and shallow geotechnical investigations with grab sampling, seabed CPT, Vibrocoring and laboratory testing.

The water depth varies between around 15 meters and 40 meters MSL for the majority of the route.

The cable route survey is expected to be conducted in 2015 and the deadline for submission of tenders is May 26.