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Energinet seeks metocean measurement teams for Danish offshore wind areas

Business Developments & Projects

The Danish Energy Agency has tasked Energinet with undertaking site conditions assessments for the development of five future offshore wind farm areas within the Danish EEZ, namely North Sea I, Hesselø South, Kriegers Flak II North, Kriegers Flak II South, and Kattegat.

Source: Energinet

The metocean conditions assessment will result in a report for each area, which will later be certified by an independent third party and will be a part of the technical basis for the future public tenders on the development of the offshore wind farms, Energinet said.

The estimated value of the contracts, excluding VAT, is €640,000. The deadline for submitting applications for the tender is December 15.

The tender is divided into three lots.

Lot 1 includes geological, geophysical and other scientific prospecting services for the Kattegat and Hesselø South areas. The contract is estimated to be valued, excluding VAT, at €230,000. The estimated duration of the contract is 16 months.

Lot 2 refers to the same services as Lot 1 but for the Kriegers Flak II areas. The contract’s estimated value and duration are the same as for Lot 1.

Lot 3 will cover geological, geophysical and other scientific prospecting services for the North Sea I area. The estimated duration is twelve months and the value, excluding VAT, is €180,000.

The Danish Energy Agency (DEA) is preparing for the tenders after the political agreement was reached on 30 May, securing the framework for holding the upcoming auctions for at least 3 GW of capacity at the North Sea I (Nordsøen I) area, 1 GW at Kattegat II, 1 GW at Kriegers Flak II, and 800-1,200 MW at Hesselø, as well as further 3 GW at Energy Island Bornholm’s two offshore wind farms (Energy Island Bornholm I and II).

The agreement also approved the overplanting option, allowing for the installation of more offshore wind capacity at the tendered locations than what was agreed in the climate agreement and other political agreements, which could secure as much as 14 GW of capacity if implemented at all the tendered areas.

Projects at North Sea I, Kriegers Flak II and Kattegat II have the green light for overplanting, while only a more limited overplanting can be permitted at Hesselø and Energy Island Bornholm, up to a total capacity of 1.2 GW for Hesselø and 3.8 GW for Energy Island Bornholm.