ENGIE E&P Hires WesternGeco for Gjøa 4D Shoot

Business & Finance

ENGIE E&P Norge has awarded WesternGeco two contracts for acquisition and processing of towed 4D seismic data in the production license 153, the Gjøa license, in the northern part of the Norwegian North Sea.

The acquisition will be performed with the vessel “WesternGeco Magellan”, and is planned to be completed by the beginning of August.

The planned seismic survey is a repetition of a 3D survey acquired over the Engie E&P operated Gjøa field ten years ago.

“The main objective for the repeat survey this summer is to observe production effects on the Gjøa field and contribute to an optimised field management strategy.” says asset manager for the Gjøa field Hilde Ådland in ENGIE E&P Norge.

The Gjøa field is situated in one of ENGIE E&P’s core areas, and is currently the fifth largest producing field on the Norwegian Continental Shelf, according to the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate.

WesternGeco mobilization offshore Florø on the western coast of Norway is planned for the beginning of July 2017.

In addition, WesternGeco has been awarded the processing of the 4D data, with expected startup mid-august and planned completion Q1 2018. The processing will be performed at their processing facility in Tananger, close to Stavanger in Norway.

“The 4D seismic will increase our understanding of the Gjøa reservoir and may help identify potential undrained compartments,” says Ådland.

Gjøa is located 60 kilometers west of Florø in Sogn og Fjordane on the west coast of Norway, and is operated with power from shore.

License partners in PL153 Gjøa are: ENGIE E&P Norge AS (operator and 30%), Petoro AS (30%), Wintershall Norge AS (20%), Det Norske Shell (12%) and DEA Norge (8%).