Engineering of Aasta Hansteen platform subject of PSA inspection

From 3 to 25 June 2014, the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway (PSA) carried out an audit of Statoil’s engineering of the Aasta Hansteen spar platform.

Engineering of Aasta Hansteen subject of PSA inspectionThe objective of the audit was to assess whether Statoil’s and the contractors’ management of detail engineering in the area of OHAS was being carried out in compliance with applicable regulations and recognised norms, and whether it was adequate for ensuring compliance with the OHAS exposure requirements in the operational phase.

PSA said that no non-conformities were identified during the audit.

Three improvement points were identified in connection with: Exposure of employee groups; Stipulation and communication of requirements; Analyses as decision support.

The Aasta Hansten platform will be the first spar unit to be installed on the Norwegian continental shelf. Spar is a floating installation consisting of a vertical column moored to the seabed. The installation features conventional topsides with processing facilities.

The Aasta Hansteen field is located in the northern part of the Norwegian Sea on the Vøringplatå approximately 300km west of Bodø, Block PL218 at 1,300m water depth, and is the name given to the three independent reservoirs of Luva, Snefrid and Haklang.


July 18, 2014