Deepsea Stavanger rig - Equinor

Equinor sets sights on two North Sea wildcats

Authorities & Government

Norwegian oil and gas giant Equinor has secured a drilling permit from the country’s authorities for two wildcat wells located in the North Sea offshore Norway.

Deepsea Stavanger rig; Source: Equinor

The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) has granted Equinor a permit for wells 34/4-18 S and 35/10-8 S located in production licence 057 and licence 293 B, respectively.

The licence 057 is operated by Equinor with a 31 per cent interest with Petoro, Wintershall Dea, Idemitsu Petroleum, and Vår Energi as partners. The licence 293 B is also operated by Equinor, holding a 51 per cent interest, with DNO Norge, Idemitsu Petroleum, and Longboat Energy as partners.

Both wells will be drilled this month, using the Deepsea Stavanger drilling rig.

According to information from the Norwegian Environment Agency, drilling operations for the 35/10-8 S well, targeting Kveikje’n Roll prospect, are estimated to last about 32 days. The well is located in Vikinggraben in the North Sea, approx. 13 km southeast of Vega South. The shortest distance to land is about 75 km.

The Deepsea Stavanger rig is a sixth generation deepwater and harsh environment semi-submersible of an enhanced GVA 7500 design. The rig started its contract with Equinor at the beginning of this month, which made it the third Odfjell rig to work for the Norwegian energy giant. The semi-sub will be occupied with Equinor into the third quarter of 2022.

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The Deepsea Stavanger joined its sister rigs Deepsea Atlantic and Deepsea Aberdeen as being contracted under the Master Frame Agreement, which Odfjell Drilling entered into with Equinor in May 2018.