FEED services provider wanted for Dutch CO2 storage project

FEED services provider wanted for Dutch CO2 storage project

Carbon Capture Usage & Storage

TotalEnergies EP Nederland has issued a tender searching for a provider of the front-end engineering and design (FEED) of the trunkline for the Aramis CO2 storage project.

Source: Gasunie

The Aramis project is a cooperation initiative between EBN, Gasunie, Shell and TotalEnergies to explore the joint development of a Dutch large-scale CO2 transport project for offshore storage.

The main objectives of the FEED are to perform studies producing mature deliverables sufficient to issue calls for tenders and allow TotalEnergies EP Nederland, or the future Aramis joint venture (JV), to subsequently award engineering, procurement, construction, installation, and where necessary, commissioning (EPCI(C)) contracts and to place purchase orders for any defined long lead items.

The CO2 trunkline will start onshore at Maasvlakte in the Port of Rotterdam, the Netherlands, before crossing the sea defenses and being routed approximately 220 kilometers subsea to offshore licenses K & L.

Interested parties are welcome to submit their applications for the tender until 13 February by 14:00 local time. The contract would start on 23 June.

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Aramis is one of two planned carbon capture projects in the Netherlands, with the second being Porthos – Port of Rotterdam CO2 Transport Hub and Offshore Storage.

As part of the project, Shell and TotalEnergies plan to store CO2 on a large scale, collaborating with the government, Gasunie and Energie Beheer Nederland (EBN) to build a high-capacity trunkline that connects to empty gas fields, among other activities.

It is based on an ‘open access’ philosophy to give industrial customers and offshore storage providers the possibility to connect to the infrastructure at a later stage.

Partners are planning the operational start-up in 2026 and aim at a synergistic relationship with the Porthos project.