Fluxys Changes Name, Becomes Fluxys Belgium

Fluxys Changes Name, Becomes Fluxys Belgium

The extraordinary general meeting of Fluxys yesterday decided to change the name of the company to Fluxys Belgium. The new name clarifies the company’s field of activity.

For the same reason, parent company Fluxys G yesterday changed its name to Fluxys.

Parent company Fluxys coordinates the strategy and activities of the Fluxys group companies:

– Fluxys Belgium is the listed company responsible for regulated activities in Belgium: natural gas transmission and storage and – through subsidiary Fluxys LNG – terminalling of liquefied natural gas (LNG).

– Fluxys Europe is the umbrella company for the Fluxys subsidiaries active outside Belgium or active in non-regulated businesses in Belgium.

– Fluxys Finance centralises the management of cash funds and financing within the Fluxys group.


LNG World News Staff, May 9, 2012