GAZ-SYSTEM launches binding open season procedure for Gdańsk FSRU 2

Business Developments & Projects

Poland’s natural gas transmission system operator GAZ-SYSTEM has formally launched a new open season procedure aimed to increase the regasification capacity of the Gdańsk floating storage regasification unit (FSRU) terminal 2.

Archive; Courtesy of GAZ-SYSTEM

According to GAZ-SYSTEM, the FSRU 2 terminal project assumes locating a second FSRU in the Gdańsk area, that would be capable of LNG offloading, process storage and regasification at the level of 4.5 bcm/a of gaseous fuel per year.

The launch follows the results of the non-binding procedure to identify the demand for additional regasification capacity of the FSRU terminal in the Gulf of Gdańsk conducted by GAZ-SYSTEM in March 2023.

At the time, the company announced that the results showed significant interest of the market participants in increasing the regasification capacity of the FSRU terminal and gas exports in the region.

To remind, at first, pursuant to the assumptions set out in the open season procedure initiated in 2021, the terminal project envisaged the construction of the FSRU with a capacity to deliver approximately 6.1 bcm of regasified natural gas annually.

GAZ-SYSTEM said the objective of the FSRU 2 open season procedure is to confirm the demand for additional regasification capacity through the interested market participants’ submission of binding, long-term offers for FSRU 2 regasification services, thus justifying its commencement of the implementation of the aforementioned project.

The company further stated that, in accordance with the applicable law, in the first phase of the FSRU 2 open season procedure for consultations with all the interested market participants, it has published documents regulating the procedure, informing that the second phase will consist in collecting from the participants binding offers for regasification service at the terminal within the scope covered by FSRU 2 open season, thus allowing it to make a positive final investment decision (FID), i.e. the decision to implement the investment project.


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