GAZ-SYSTEM completes non-binding Gdansk FSRU market study

Business Developments & Projects

Poland’s natural gas transmission system operator GAZ-SYSTEM has completed a non-binding market research procedure for the demand for additional regasification capacity of the FSRU terminal in the Gulf of Gdańsk.

Archive; Courtesy of GAZ-SYSTEM

The operator collected information on the level of market interest in additional regasification capacity, as well as the level of market interest in exporting regasified gas to the following directions: Slovakia, Lithuania, Denmark, and Germany, which are existing connections, and the Czech Republic and Ukraine, which are planned connections.

GAZ-SYSTEM said the assessment of the questionnaires submitted during the procedure and the non-binding level of demand confirms the market’s interest in the increased regasification capacity of the FSRU Terminal, as well as the export of regasified gas in the region, and provides the basis for further analyses by the operator.

To note, non-binding demand is the starting point for the decision to launch a binding open season procedure for the demand for additional regasification capacity of the FSRU terminal, which is planned for the second quarter of 2023.

The non-binding procedure lasted from 6 March to 20 March 2023.

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