Everest platform; Source: Harbour Energy

Harbour Energy hands out five-year deal for North Sea assets to Stork

Project & Tenders

Stork, a Fluor company, has been awarded a long-term deal for the delivery of asset integrity services to Harbour Energy’s oil and gas assets on the United Kingdom Continental Shelf (UKCS).

Everest platform; Source: Harbour Energy

The company revealed on Wednesday, 24 May 2023, the award of a five-year contract with five one-year extension options by Harbour Energy, extending its asset integrity services in the North Sea on the energy player’s Armada, Everest, Lomond and Erskine (AELE) hub. This also extends services to Solan, the J-Area and the Great Britannia Area.

Commenting on this deal, Taco de Haan, president of Stork, remarked: “Our client has clearly recognised the value and dedication that our people bring and see Stork as a long-term partner for the future of their assets on the UK Continental Shelf.”

Based on the new contract, Stork will deliver asset integrity planning, inspection, fabric maintenance, access solutions, hot bolting and composite repair applications. In addition, the company will provide deck crew services across the AELE hub. The new contract is scheduled to start in the second quarter of 2023.

The Armada Complex is located in the central North Sea, 244 km east of Aberdeen on the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS). Approval-in-principle for cessation of production (CoP) of the Armada Hub and associated tie-backs was granted in August 2016.

However, Shell divested the Armada Complex to Chrysaor Holdings Limited in November 2017 with the intent of extending field life and CoP has been deferred. In 2021, Chrysaor merged with Premier Oil to become Harbour Energy.

Stork was previously awarded a two-year contract extension by Chrysaor to deliver integrated specialist asset integrity services for the Armada, Everest, and Lomond platforms in the central North Sea in March 2021.

Armada, which sits in Block 22/5b of the UK North Sea, consists of the Drake, Hawkins and Fleming gas/condensate fields, with SW and NW Seymour, and Maria fields in the UK sector and the Rev and Gaupe fields in the Norwegian sector tied back to it.

While gas is exported via the CATS pipeline to Teesside, the produced liquids go via the Forties Pipeline System (FPS) to the Kinneil processing plant at Grangemouth. On 16 April 2018, the Rev UKCS pipelines decommissioning programme was approved by the Secretary of State.

Moreover, North Everest in Block 22/10a-A is a combined wellhead/production/quarters platform, which produces gas and condensate from North Everest, the South Everest subsea wellheads and Everest East Expansion (EEE) wells.

Located in Block 23/21, Lomond is also a combined wellhead/production/quarters platform, which lies approximately 268 km east of Aberdeen and processes gas and condensate from the Lomond and Erskine fields. On the other hand, Erskine is a complex high-pressure/high-temperature (HP/HT) gas/condensate field in Block 23/26b of the UK North Sea.