Horisont Energi and Koole Terminals continue clean ammonia collaboration

Business Developments & Projects

Horisont Energi, a Norwegian clean energy company, and Koole Terminals, an independent provider of integrated services for storage, processing, and logistics, have advanced their collaboration on the development of an ammonia terminal at the Port of Rotterdam, the Netherlands, by signing an agreement to develop an international logistic value chain for clean ammonia.

Courtesy of Danny Cornelissen and Port of Rotterdam Authority

“This cooperation agreement with Koole Terminals is an important step for the clean ammonia logistics in our projects and for Horisont Energi. To serve the market with clean ammonia, we are eager to start the work to develop a full logistic value chain. This will ensure the transport, receipt, and delivery of clean ammonia to different industries and markets in the years to come,” said Bjørgulf Haukelidsæter Eidesen, CEO of Horisont Energi.

The green shipping industry is of special interest to us and with the Fuel EU Maritime Initiative moving towards approval next year, this agreement is also important seen in a larger context. We look forward to continuing the good cooperation with Koole Terminals – time is of the essence,” Eidesen added.

The agreement follows a memorandum of understanding (MoU) that the two parties signed in the fall of 2021, under which they agreed to collaborate on the development of a terminal and storage facility at the Port of Rotterdam.

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According to the two parties, this new cooperation agreement, as a continuation of the MoU, will include the following scope of work:

  • Establish an import terminal in the Port of Rotterdam for storage and handling of clean ammonia for onward inland and continental Europe onward seabound distribution, in the concept of comingled storage, built, owned, and operated by Koole, with Horisont Energi being one of the major launching customers
  • Establish ammonia bunkering capabilities in the Port of Rotterdam, built, owned, and operated by Koole Terminals, with Horisont Energi being one of the major launching customers
  • Establish import terminals across various European ports for storage and handling of ammonia for onward inland distribution, in the concept of comingled storage, built, owned, and operated by Koole Terminals, with Horisont Energi being one of the major launching customers
  • Develop full logistics value-chain, one-stop-shop solutions towards ammonia off-takers, including services like shipping, storage, pipeline connection, onward logistics by railcar or truck, and potential cracking into hydrogen

Tamme Mekkes, Business Development Director of Koole Terminals, said: “We’re working closely together with various launching customers for our Rotterdam ammonia and carbon dioxide terminal. Horisont Energi is among the first and most developed. We cherish the good partnership and working relation and see them as one of the frontrunners in providing clean energy and decarbonisation solutions. The next years will require rapid infrastructure development and investment decisions from all players in the value chain. We stand together with Horisont Energi in driving the energy transition forward.”

The parties said the terminal will receive clean ammonia produced and shipped from the clean ammonia plant Barents Blue located in Finnmark, in the north of Norway.

Horisont Energi’s Barents Blue project is based on the use of natural gas, clean water, and renewable energy to produce clean ammonia. The EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA) and the EU Commission have approved it under the IPCEI Hydrogen program, also known as Hy2Use.

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