Jeppesen Marine Pilotage Charts Now Available For Chilean Waters

Jeppesen Marine today announced that its Marine Pilotage Charts (MPC) are now available for the waters in and surrounding Chile.

Jeppesen MPCs are a new concept for procedural passage plans designed to meet the needs of pilots and commercial shipping companies. The charts use a format derived from Jeppesen’s terminal procedure charts, which have been the aviation industry standard for 75 years. The value of Jeppesen MPCs lies in the aggregation of both operational and navigation information traditionally found in a variety of sources and the consistent, easy-to-use presentation. They also provide a basis for capturing and retaining valuable knowledge from experienced masters and making it available to all bridge teams, thus promoting the use of “best practices” throughout the operation.

Jeppesen MPCs encourage and enhance overall Bridge Team Management (BTM), and specifically, the master/pilot briefing. These charts can provide significant benefit to mariners navigating in close quarters such as harbor approaches, canals, and locks.

As the result of joint cooperation between Jeppesen Marine, The Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the Chilean Navy (SHOA), The Maritime Authority of the Chilean Navy and The Chilean Channels Authorized Pilot Association, the charts will be marketed to port and channel pilots and commercial mariners. MPCs are the first new service to market since SHOA and Jeppesen Marine signed a derivation agreement in late 2008 for the use of Chilean data in the company’s products.

“SHOA is a respected leader in the hydrographic community and a welcome launch partner for this new service,” said Michael Bergmann, director of maritime industry safety-affairs-services for Jeppesen Marine. “In addition, MPCs for Chilean waters provide both Chilean pilots and vessel operators greater safety and navigation tools.”