Hydrographic Survey Services Needed for SwePol Link Undersea Cable

Business & Finance

Hydrographic Survey Services Needed for SwePol Link Undersea Cable

Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne Pólnoc S.A. is searching for a contractor to provide hydrographic survey services in duration of 4 months from date of contract award.

The contract is to carry out comprehensive service inspection and analysis of the Polish sea route section of the MCRC and HVDC cables SwePol Link.

The scope of work requires the company to:

1. Establish 3D visualization of high resolution seabed maps for the route of the cable;

2. Study of the area of the seabed around the route of the cables using a sidescan sonar to locate potential threats and properties of the geological bottom;

3. Inspect video cable route using a robot equipped with superior ROV cable locator, gradient set for positioning in places where cables are invisibly stacked under the seabed;

4. Visual inspection of places of previous fixed cable for any failures;

5. Analysis of the data, maps and reports from the works;

6. Preparation of a summary report containing the information and visualizations regarding the potential hazards and defects found;

7. Preparation of a video recording of the ROV inspection.

The final date for submission of tenders is April 15, 2013, and the tenders can be in English or Polish language.

Subsea World News Staff, March 15, 2013;  Image: ABB