Kosmos confirms Tortue field as ‘world-class resource’

Exploration & Production

Kosmos Energy has completed the drill stem test (DST) of the Tortue-1 well, demonstrating that the Tortue field offshore Mauritania is a world-class resource.

The DST also confirmed key development parameters including well deliverability, reservoir connectivity, and fluid composition, the company said on Wednesday.

Kosmos informed that the Tortue-1 well flowed at a sustained, equipment-constrained rate of approximately 60 million cubic feet per day (MMcf/d) during the main, extended flow period, with minimal pressure drawdown, providing confidence in well designs that are each capable of producing approximately 200 MMcf/d.

Further according to Kosmos’ statement, the DST results confirmed a connected volume per well consistent with the current development scheme, which together with the high well rate is expected to result in a low number of development wells compared to equivalent schemes. Initial analysis of fluid samples collected during the test indicate Tortue gas is well suited for liquefaction given low levels of liquids and minimal impurities. Data acquired from the DST will be used to further optimize field development and to refine process design parameters critical to the front end engineering and design (FEED) process anticipated to begin later this year.

“The positive results from the DST confirm that the Tortue field is a world-class resource and validates the assumptions that underpin our development concept” said Andrew G. Inglis, chairman and chief executive officer. “The combination of high well rates, large connected volume per well together with a gas well-suited for liquefaction is why we believe Tortue is one of the lowest cost pre-FID greenfield LNG projects. The Kosmos BP partnership remains aligned on delivering a final investment decision for the project in 2018 and first gas in 2021.”

The Tortue-1 well is located in water depths of approximately 2,700 meters offshore Mauritania. The DST was conducted by the Atwood Achiever drillship, which has now mobilized to the Hippocampe prospect in Block C-8 offshore Mauritania to begin exploration drilling operations.

Kosmos is exploration operator of Block C-8 with a 28% participating interest. BP is named operator with a 62% participating interest, and Societe Mauritanienne des Hydrocarbures et de Patrimoine Minier (SMHPM) has a 10% participating interest.

Earlier this month, BP awarded KBR a pre-front end engineering design (FEED) and project support services contracts for the development of the Tortue / Ahmeyim field offshore Mauritania and Senegal.