LNG tanker comes for 1st export cargo from Calcasieu Pass

LNG carrier comes for 1st export cargo from Calcasieu Pass

Business Developments & Projects

Maran Gas-owned LNG carrier Yiannis has arrived at the new Calcasieu Pass export facility in Louisiana to take over the first export cargo.

Courtesy of Venture Global LNG
LNG tanker comes for 1st export cargo from Calcasieu Pass
Courtesy of Venture Global LNG

LNG project developer Venture Global initially planned for its Calcasieu Pass LNG facility to start operations in Q1 2023.  However,  the facility has kicked off LNG production already on 3 February 2022. Reuters cited a filing with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to confirm this information.

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Moreover, Platts reported that the 174,093 cubic metres LNGC Yiannis docked at the terminal on 7 February. The news outlet sourced this information from its vessel tracking data cFlow. The dispatcher also said the carrier will depart on 11 February. This will come after it presumably takes over the first LNG export cargo of the facility.

To remind, South Korean shiyard DSME built the LNG carrier and delivered it to Maran Gas in September 2021. It features dual-fuel engines (ME-GI) and a full re-liquefaction system (FRS).

The Calcasieu Pass LNG is to export 10 million tonnes per year (mtpa) of liquified natural gas. The facility is located in Cameron Parish, Louisiana. It is based on mid-scale liquefaction technology which will consist of two 0.626 mtpa trains in each block; with nine blocks for the entire facility.

At the end of last year, Venture Global and Louisiana governor revealed that CP2 LNG, the new project, will be in Cameron Parish, adjacent to Calcasieu Pass. This brings Venture Global’s total planned capital investment in Louisiana to more than $20 billion.