Making Elbe fairway more attractive for international shipping

Business Developments & Projects

The joint dredging works by the Federal Shipping and Waterways Administration and Hamburg Port Authority for construction of a passing box have been completed successfully, according to the Port of Hamburg’s latest release.

DEME Group

Under the project, the Elbe fairway has been widened to 385 meters along the eight kilometers between Wedel and Blankenese.

From this week, seagoing ships with a combined width of 104 meters – instead of the former 90 meters – will safely be able to pass each other.

Commenting the latest news, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Heinrich Witte, President of the Federal Shipping and Waterways Administration, said: “The widening of the passing box will make the Elbe still more attractive for international shipping. Additional ship width means time gained and easier planning. This will ensure simpler and more effective traffic flow.”

Senator Michael Westhagemann added: “With completion of the passing box, an essential initial stage of fairway adjustment has been achieved. Services by mega-containerships can now be handled distinctly more rapidly and reliably, and this represents a real gain for shipping.”

The passing box will enable the approach to the Port of Hamburg to be less dependent on tidal ebb and flow.