MMT, Reach Subsea Collaborate on Project for EMAS Troll A-Field

MMT and Reach Subsea have just started their first joint project; the pre-lay survey, deburial and preparation work for EMAS AMC.

MMT, Reach Subsea Collaborate on Project for EMAS Troll A-Field

The onging project for the Troll A-field in the North Sea is operated from the vessel Stril Explorer with survey and ROV specialist from both companies. The duration for this exciting project is approximately 1 month .

MMT´s Managing Director Stefan Eliasson comments on the project: “We are very happy working together with Reach Subsea on this project. By combining our latest survey methods with Reach´s ROV expertise we are confident that we will supply EMAS AMC with the highest quality data.

Press Release, January 29, 2014; Image: Mokster