Photo showing Mocean Energy's Blue X wave energy prototype (Courtesy of Mocean Energy)

Mocean Energy completes Blue X prototype’s wet commissioning

Business Developments & Projects

Scottish wave power specialist Mocean Energy has concluded wet commissioning of its Blue X wave energy prototype ahead of transport to the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC).

Mocean Energy's Blue X wave energy prototype (Courtesy of Mocean Energy)
Photo showing Mocean Energy's Blue X wave energy prototype (Courtesy of Mocean Energy)
Mocean Energy’s Blue X wave energy prototype (Courtesy of Mocean Energy)

The fabrication of the 20-metre long, 38-tonne wave machine Blue X was finished last week, followed by the unveiling of the device.

After that, the device was lifted into the water for the first time on 26 April to begin the wet commissioning operation.

During the week, Mocean Energy’s team used water tanks of the deck to determine the proper ballast to achieve level trim in roll, pitch and flex. The water weight was replaced with steel ballast and the device relaunched to confirm trim on April 29.

With the wet commissioning now complete, the device will be transported up to Orkney for testing at EMEC within two weeks, according to Mocean Energy’s managing director Cameron McNatt.

After the initial trials set to take place at EMEC’s Scapa Flow test site, the Blue X prototype will be deployed at the centre’s large scale Billia Croo test site in summer 2021.

Next year, Mocean Energy plans to connect the device to a subsea battery which will be used to power a remotely operated autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV).