New Discoveries Made in Beirut Harbour Wreck Survey

Lighthouse together with QPS, organised a training for the Lebanese Navy in cooperation with the Italian Navy as part of the ISG (International Support Group Lebanon) program.

During the 2 week training in Beirut, the focus of the training was to setup a hydrographic workflow from data acquisition to the delivery of a reliable chart that is conform IHO standards. Theory parts and practical exercises with data simulation were mixed with on-water exercises on the Lebanese Navy survey vessel.

Lighthouse, involved by the Italian Navy within the ISG program, supplied the equipment and provided the Lebanese Navy operative staff with a specific training course on the QPS software suite (QINSy, Qimera and Fledermaus) using NORBIT systems.

One of the surveys carried out during the training involved a wreck survey. QINSy, used for data acquisition and online QC/QA, mapped the 80-meter long wreck. Initially the big wreck was recognised but there were some unclassified debris around the wreck. It was during the processing in Qimera, where the two additional wrecks were discovered.