Nigerian Ports Authority Hosts “Protecting Nigerian’s Seaports” Course

Business & Finance

Nigerian Ports Authority Hosts Protecting Nigerian’s Seaports Course

The Nigerian Ports Authority is set to play host to a two-day course with the theme “Protecting Nigerian’s Seaports’’.

Slated for 6th and 7th March, 2013 the course is designed to provide the Nigerian Maritime Community with the needed information to protect on-shore, and subsea facilities from potential terrorist and criminal threats.

This inaugural course is targeted on Nigeria’s Military, Intelligence, Law- Enforcement Agencies and Maritime Administrators while the private sectors would take its turn at another forum in April.

These are the initiative of the Trade Facilitation Centre (TFC). The TFC is a creation of the office of the President of Nigeria in cooperation with the Ministry of Transport and the Nigeria Ports Authority.

The Trade Facilitation (TFC) is to manage all information, flow within Nigeria’s maritime domain in an effort to deliver efficiencies, effectiveness, safety and security throughout the seaports and waterways.

The TFC has its temporary headquarters at NPA House, Marina Lagos.

Press Release, March 19, 2013