NORBIT Bags Another Important Contract (USA)

NORBIT Bags Another Important Contract

Norbit US Ltd. has been awarded a contract from the Department of Homeland Security.

Norbit US Ltd. was chosen as only one of three contracts signed under this BAA. Proposal was rated satisfactory in all evaluation criteria and the USCG states in the award letter “Your proposed Technical Approach indicated a strong understanding of the scope of the problem. The proposed Staffing and Corporate Experience indicated a team that is knowledgeable and capable of addressing the range of problems in the effort.”

The BAA was defined as a consequence of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill where significant technological gaps in responding to oil disasters were revealed. One issue was the lack of ability to determine the location of oil plumes subsurface and the tracking of the extent of such plumes in real time. This contract is US Coast Guard’s first step in developing an entire mitigation system to detects and track submerged oil plumes under different conditions.

Norbit will use their wide band multibeam echosounder to demonstrate the capabilities of the sonar’s active acoustics ability to detect oil in the water volume, the sensor is designed to fit on a multitude of different platforms both stationary and moving. Tests with oil will be conducted in phase II of the project in OHMSETT’s test tank.

Norbit Group is an international corporation with headquarters in Norway and offices in Denmark, Australia and the United States along with a global network of distributors. Established in 1995, NORBIT has grown steadily and is now one of the leading companies in the field of underwater acoustics. NORBIT designs, manufactures, and support integrated multibeam sonar solutions. NORBIT multibeam sonar’s has been used worldwide for more than 5 years.

NORBIT has assembled a team of highly skilled engineers committed to advanced engineering and design of sonar and acoustic systems. In addition, NORBIT employs a team of nearly 100 professionals dedicated to such disciplines as Program Management, Quality Assurance, Manufacturing, Software Development, Security, and Administration. The resulting corporation, NORBIT, is renowned for providing innovative solutions in many different markets.


Dredging Today Staff, April 23, 2012; Image: NORBIT