NORCOWE’s Summer School Addresses OW Challenges

This year, NORCOWE hosted its summer school in cooperation with NOWITECH at Hardingasete, Hardanger, Norway.

The 26 participants from 15 countries represented ten different universities, two R&D institutions and one industry company. In the sixth edition of the NORCOWE summer school, non-NORCOWE members counted more than half of the participants.

From 17th to 21st of August, seven lecture sessions were held, along with group work and networking.

Throughout the week, groups worked on tasks related to the lectures adding up to the main task – make an outline of an offshore wind park addressing the different challenges covered by the lectures.

During the week, the participants were introduced to a broader perspective of the challenges related to offshore wind.

Besides lectures and group work the participants got new acquaintances and sheared their knowledge and experiences with each other.

In addition, many of the lecturers stayed most of the week, which gave an opportunity for the participants to exchange knowledge and experiences in a smaller setting.