Norway: Statoil Gets Green Light for Drilling in North Sea Using Bideford Dolphin

Business & Finance


Statoil has received consent to use the Bideford Dolphin mobile facility in the northern and southern parts of the North Sea.

The consent relates to drilling, sidetrack drilling, plugging, completion and well interventions at the Oseberg, Vigdis, Tordis and Vigdis Nord Øst fields.

According to the plan, the first well is 30/6-C-27 AH on Oseberg, then Statoil will continue with two wells on Vigdis, well 30/9-J-14 AH on Oseberg Sør, activities on six templates on Vigdis and three templates on Tordis.

Furthermore, there will be a permanent plugback (P&A) of well 30/6-C-27 AH on Oseberg.

The scheduled start of the activities is June 2011, with a duration until 2014.

According to Statoil the well prioritisation may change, and the company’s plan will be updated accordingly.

Bideford Dolphin (pictured) is a semi-submersible Aker H-3 drilling facility built in 1975 and operated by Dolphin AS.


Source:Ptil , May 30, 2011;