NPD Begins 2D Seismic Survey Off Jan Mayen

Business & Finance

Starting today, the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate will collect 2D seismic data off Jan Mayen.

The collecting, which will be carried out by the vessel M/V Nordic Explorer, will continue until the beginning of August.

According to the plan, a total of 9,200 kilometres (63 lines) of seismic data will be collected in this area.

The vessel was mobilised at Torshavn in the Faeroe Islands before the weekend. It is now in place at Jan Mayen with three escort vessels.

”The escort vessels are there also for safety purposes. The seismic data are collected far out at sea, and our preparedness must be good in case anything should happen to the equipment or the crew on the ship,” says Lars Jensen, the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate’s project manager for this summer’s seismic collection.

The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate collected 2D seismic data in the maritime zone off Jan Mayen last summer as well, when approximately 3,100 line kilometres were collected.

“Our data from this part of the continental shelf is scarce, and most of it is old. We are now approaching this in a systematic manner to better map the area,” Jensen remarks.

The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate’s collection of seismic data takes place on assignment from the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy.

The funding of the collection has been allocated over the national budget for 2012.

The results from the collection will form part of the factual basis relating to the Storting’s consideration of whether or not these areas will be opened for petroleum activities.

During the summer, the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate is planning to collect a total of 29,000-30,000 kilometres of seismic data in the Barents Sea, at Jan Mayen and in the Nordland IV and V areas.

Subsea World News Staff , June 05, 2012;  Image: NPD