Official Presents Hernando Beach Channel Dredging Project Update (USA)

Official Presents Hernando Beach Channel Dredging Project Update

Environmental Services Director Susan Goebel has provided the Hernando Beach Channel Dredge Project update.

This week, staff completed a full assessment of the work remaining with the dredge project (excluding the actual channel dredging pending the provision of a survey by a licensed surveyor). The work is detailed and includes the excavation of a high spot in Tarpon Canal resulting from the hydraulic dredging, restoring and reopening Caliente Street other areas which require restoration (driveways, canals, culverts, etc.) that were impacted by the dredging activities. The County will send a letter to the contractor outlining the work items to be completed. The contractor will be expected to provide the County with a response as to completion dates and scheduling.

The channel survey is being performed this week, and the County expects the results to be delivered within two weeks. County staff will determine if the channel dredge work is complete at that time. In the meantime, the contractor will check the channel with sonar equipment to locate any debris that may have been left behind during dredge activities. One excavator and barge will remain in the channel to assist with removing potentially heavy objects.

Old channel markers were removed Tuesday and County staff installed temporary markers where needed. Permanent markers will be installed when the contractor’s activities in the water are completed. Boaters are to continue utilizing caution while the project enters the decommissioning phase of the project.

Environmental Services Director Susan Goebel will provide the Board of County Commissioners with an update at the February 14th Board meeting.


Dredging Today Staff, February 7, 2012; Image: hernando