Petrobras discovers hydrocarbons in Brazil's Santos Basin

Petrobras discovers hydrocarbons in Brazil’s Santos Basin

Exploration & Production

Brazilian state-owned oil and gas giant Petrobras has discovered hydrocarbons in an exploratory well in the Aram block in the Santos Basin pre-salt offshore Brazil.

The 3-BRSA-1387D-SPS well is located 260 kilometers from the city of Santos-SP, at a water depth of 1,979 meters.

According to Petrobras, the well is being drilled and the oil-bearing interval was verified through electrical profiles and fluid samples, which will be later characterized through laboratory analysis. 

The data is expected to enable the assessment of the potential and direct the next exploratory activities in the area. 

The Brazilian oil and gas giant also noted that the consortium would continue operations to complete the well drilling to the expected depth and characterize the conditions of the reservoirs found.

“The Aram block constitutes an important asset for exploring the remaining pre-salt potential, particularly in the Santos basin. In addition, the well presented a fluid of excellent quality, confirming the low levels of contaminants. This discovery expands the possibilities of expanding the deposit discovered by the pioneer well 1-BRSA-1381-SPS, in this block,” Petrobras stated.

The Aram block was acquired in March 2020, in the sixth bidding round of the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP), under the Production Sharing regime, with Pré-Sal Petróleo SA (PPSA) as manager. 

Petrobras is the operator of the block and holds an 80 per cent stake, in partnership with CNPC, which holds the remaining 20 per cent.