Picture of the day: Methane Mickie Harper at QCLNG


BG Group’s Queensland Curtis LNG facility loaded its first cargo at the end of 2014 onto the Methane Rita Andrea LNG carrier. 

The second vessel to load at the QCLNG facility on Curtis Island was the 170,000 cbm Methane Mickie Harper.

It was delivered to BG Group in October 2010. It features a tri-fuel diesel electric propulsion system and a re-liquefaction plant that provides better fuel efficiency and additional operational flexibility for these vessels.

Since the production at Train 1 commenced, 16 LNG cargoes have been shipped from the plant. Partners in Train 1 are BG and China National Offshore Oil Corporation with 50% stakes each.

The second LNG train is set to start producing the super-cooled gas in the third quarter of 2015.

At plateau production, expected during 2016, QCLNG will have an output of around 8 million tonnes of LNG a year.

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LNG World News Staff; Image: BG Group