Plans for New Fortress Energy Louisiana FLNG advance

Plans for New Fortress Energy Louisiana FLNG advance

Business Developments & Projects

U.S. gas-to-power developer New Fortress Energy gas received affirmation on the completeness of its deepwater port license application for the new Louisiana FLNG terminal.

Illustration only; Courtesy of New Fortress Energy
Plans for New Fortress Energy Louisiana FLNG advance
Illustration only; Courtesy of New Fortress Energy

At the end of March, NFE requested all necessary permits and regulatory approvals to construct and operate a new offshore LNG liquefaction terminal off the coast of Louisiana.

On 26 April, New Fortress Energy said that the U.S. Coast Guard, in coordination with the Maritime Administration, has affirmed the completeness of its deepwater port license application. It also said it will proceed with the preparation of an environmental impact statement as part of the environmental review within the 356-day application process.

NFE’s application proposes the ownership, construction, operation, and eventual decommissioning of an offshore natural gas export deepwater port, known as New Fortress Energy Louisiana FLNG.

The terminal will be located in waters approximately 16 nautical miles off the southeast coast of Grand Isle, Louisiana at a water depth of approximately 30 meters.

It would export approximately 145 billion cubic feet of LNG per year, equivalent to approximately 2.8 million tons per annum (MTPA) of LNG.

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“This is a significant step forward for our effort to build the first Fast LNG facility in the U.S.,” said Wes Edens, CEO of NFE. “With rapid deployment, this project can help address the energy crisis in Europe…”

NFE’s Fast LNG liquefaction design pairs advancements in modular, midsize liquefaction tech with jack-up rigs or similar floating infrastructure. Thus, it is enabling a much lower cost and faster deployment than today’s floating liquefaction vessels.

The company targets beginning operations in the first quarter of 2023.