Port Dolphin Energy abandons LNG project

Port Dolphin Energy, a unit of Höegh LNG, filed a motion requesting that FERC vacate various certificates and waivers for the construction of the onshore portion of a gas pipeline associated with its proposed deepwater liquefied natural gas port.

The purpose of the project was to interconnect the onshore pipeline to an interstate and an intrastate pipeline.

Port Dolphin said in its filing that since the inception of the company’s plan for the deepwater port, the natural gas industry has substantially changed.  These changes resulted in the United States becoming an exporter rather than an importer of natural gas.

As a result of these changes, Port Dolphin has been unsuccessful in its efforts to negotiate commercial contracts for the proposed port. Therefore, Port Dolphin intends to abandon entirely its plans to construct the port and the onshore pipeline and appurtenant facilities, it said.

Due to the abandonment of the plans for the deepwater port and all of the associated construction, the company no longer requires the certificates and  waivers that the FERC had previously granted, the company added.


LNG World News Staff; Image: Port Dolphin