Protecting Currimundi Lake Area from Erosion

Business & Finance

Proactive maintenance work will begin today on the southern side of Currimundi Lake to protect the roads, lifeguard tower, beach access and park area from erosion, reports Sunshine Coast Regional Council. 

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Commenting the latest news, Council Coastal Engineer, Georgia Keeshan, said that the work is in response to the significant erosion that occurred during Tropical Cyclone Oma and following a large amount of rain in February.

“The project will involve strengthening the southern side of the bank by relocating sand from an island at the lake’s entrance,” Ms Keeshan said.

“The build-up of sand will form a ridge known as a berm, which will prevent the creek that links to Currimundi Lake from moving towards the southern bank and threatening the areas and spaces our community enjoys.”

An excavator and two large trucks will move the sand and a bulldozer will then shape the piles of sand. The berm also is used throughout the year when the Council closes the lake for midge control.

Division 3 Councillor, Peter Cox, urged the community to keep clear of the area until Thursday (30 April) while the work was taking place.

“Currimundi Lake is well-loved by locals and visitors to our region and Sunshine Coast Council continually works to manage all the changes this very dynamic lake presents,” Cr Cox said.

Signage and fencing will be in place for the duration of the maintenance, the Council said.