Report: five injured in Beihai LNG terminal fire

Report: five injured in Beihai LNG terminal fire


Five people were injured at the Beihai LNG terminal in China’s Guangxi region following a fire incident.

Illustration only (Courtesy of Sinopec)

Local media reported that a fire broke out on Monday, October 2, at noon on one of the facility’s LNG storage tanks.

According to the report, the incident has been caused by maintenance personnel. The open flame has been extinguished following the arrival of the emergency response teams at the site.

Five people sustained injuries with no casualties reported.

China News Service reports that currently monitoring and treatment is being carried out at the site.

Beihai LNG facility has been in operation since 2016, and was initially owned by Sinopec. Currently, the plant is controlled by China Oil & Gas Pipeline Grid.

The facility is capable of handling up to 3 mtpa of the chilled fuel and currently has four LNG storage tanks each with a 160,000-cbm capacity. The fire reportedly broke out at the storage tank No:2.