Repsol picked as supplier for Brittany Ferries' second LNG ship

Repsol picked as supplier for Brittany Ferries’ second LNG ship

Project & Tenders
Repsol picked as supplier for Brittany Ferries' second LNG ship
Image courtesy of Brittany Ferries

Spanish energy giant Repsol reached an agreement with Brittany Ferries to install a fixed quayside LNG storage and supply system in one of two Spanish ports, Santander or Bilbao.

Image courtesy of Brittany Ferries

Repsol will then supply LNG bunker fuel to Brittany Ferries’ Salamanca during the ship’s regular visits on routes linking Portsmouth, UK and northern Spain.

A final decision on the location of the terminal will be made later in 2019, Repsol said in a statement on Friday.

Frédéric Pouget, Brittany Ferries’ fleet and operations director, “Salamanca will be our second LNG-powered ship, but the first to operate to and from Spain.”

Salamanca follows Honfleur, currently under construction in Germany and due to enter service late 2019, as the second LNG-powered ship in Brittany Ferries’ fleet.

Construction of the new ship is planned at the Avic International Weihai shipyard in China.

Under the agreement between Brittany Ferries and Repsol, the supply of LNG will begin in 2022, coinciding with Salamanca’s entry into service.