SGMF is joined by Peninsula

SGMF is joined by Peninsula

Outlook & Strategy

Peninsula, the global company in marine fuel solutions, is the newest member of the Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel (SGMF).

Illustration; Courtesy of Peninsula
SGMF is joined by Peninsula
Courtesy of Peninsula

The Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel is an NGO established to promote safety and industry best practices in the use of gas as a marine fuel. The Society has over 140 international members, from oil majors, port authorities, fuel suppliers, equipment manufacturers, and classification societies.

SGMF’s vision is sustainability and its objective is the reduction of CO2 and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The addition of Peninsula means the organisation is now actively supporting customers with their cleaner transport goals.

Peninsula recently announced its Global Sustainability Initiative and launched its LNG bunkering business. Its first LNG supply operation was delivering bunkers to H-Line Shipping in Malaysia in partnership with Petronas Marine, and it is currently building physical LNG bunker supply capabilities in the Mediterranean.

“After a significant strategic planning exercise, we have recently commenced supplying LNG bunkers and we view SGMF as a professional and experienced stakeholder who can help us employ best practice and provide access to a network of other LNG supply chain participants,” wrote Peninsula in a PR statement.

As LNG demand grows, Peninsula plans on worldwide expansion across the SGMF’s conventional bunkering hubs.